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District Profile


Eastwood eagle

Welcome to Eastwood Locals Schools, home of the Eagles.

120 College Avenue
P.O. Box 837
Pemberville, Ohio
Superintendent: William B. Welker


The Eastwood Local School District was founded in 1958 through the consolidation of Luckey, North Troy Twp., Pemberville, Webster Twp., and the Union Local School District.  Spanning 105 square miles, Eastwood Local Schools serves the educational needs of Dunbridge, Luckey, Lemoyne, New Rochester, Pemberville, Scotch Ridge, and Stony Ridge.  

District Highlights

  • The district has a 1:1 Chromebook program for students in grades K-12.
  • The district features eleven courses that are taught at Eastwood High School for college credit through Bowling Green State University and the University of Findlay. Nearly 50% of the students in the Class of 2017 graduated with some college credit. See more details on the High School profile page.
  • Students also excel in Career Tech vocational programs through Penta Career Center and the district’s Vocational Agriculture Program. Agriculture is the largest industry in an economically diverse and vibrant Wood County.
  • The district’s preschool program earned a 5 Star Rating through the State of Ohio Step-Up to Quality review process.
  • Honors courses are available starting in 6th grade in English and Mathematics, and Science and Social Studies starting in 7th grade.
  • Students in the 8th grade are eligible to begin earning high school credit for classes including foreign language, math, health and physical education. These create opportunities for students to take multiple upper level science and social studies electives including courses for college credit.
  • There are many extracurricular activities available for students beginning in 6th grade in athletics, music, service organizations, and the arts.


High School students are served in Eastwood High School, students in grades 6-8 attend Eastwood Middle School and students in grades K-5 attend Eastwood Elementary School, which opened its doors in August 2017.  

All school buildings, in addition to the Bus Garage and Technology Department, are on the district central campus located on Sugar Ridge Road. The Board of Education and preschool are located in the former Pemberville Elementary building, 120 College Avenue in Pemberville.